Our Clients

Telia Finland
Telia offers wide range of AIS Finland’s call recording services to its corporate clients. In close collaboration with Telia, we have developed our call recording services to meet the call recording needs of Telia’s vast and multifaceted customer base. We have especially emphasized the aspects of usability, security and reliability of our call recording services to ensure best possible call recording solutions for Telia’s clients.
AIS Finland was chosen as our call recording services partner based on the functionality and data security of their call recording services. The possibility to integrate the services directly to Telia’s own administration systems was also one of the quality criteria used in the selection process. In addition, the ease of use of the customer web portal was an important selection criterion.
With AIS Finland’s call recording services we can add high quality additional services to our existing communications services
Telia Finland
The Finnish Immigration Service
The Finnish Immigration Service has been a long term valued customer of AIS Finland, all the way back from 2005. The call recording system, delivered to Finnish Imigration Services by AIS Finland, has been designed so that all incoming and outgoing calls are safely recorded in all Finnish Imigration Services’s agencies across Finland. Approximately 300 000 customer calls are recorded in one year.
We have been very pleased with the call recording system provided to us by AIS Finland. Easy to use user interface and system security, starting from encryption of all recordings, have fulfilled all authoritative requirements. In addition, Ais Finland and technical experts of AIS Finland’s device supplier have been able to customize our system to fully measure up with our special requirements.
Manager, General Services for Finnish Immigration Service
Heikki Sipponen
United Bankers
Our collaboration with United Bankers began as early as in turn of the millennium, when we provided two separate call recorder devices for them, to be used in UB’s dealing hall at Aleksanterinkatu, Helsinki. At the time we were the only call recording services provider in Finland that offered call recording devices with hard drive that could be connected to individual extension numbers. After that available technology and UB’s needs for call recording have developed and now most of the call recording is done through UB’s call operator.
2013 AIS Finland provided UB with fully centralized Apresa call recording system that records all UB’s incoming and outgoing calls.
Call recording supports our core business, because the Investment Services Act obliges all fund management companies to record all telephone communication with their customers. Our call recording is handled automatically by the call recording system provided by AIS Finland. Over the years UB’s telecommunication infrastructure has changed, but with AIS Finland’s adaptable call recording system, it has been easy to implement changes. With the easy-to-use Web user interface it’s easy to find recorded calls from the database and thus serve our customers quickly even when there is an unclear case in question.
Kari Ahonen / IT Manager